Complete rebuild with COM - See how a retro piece looks fabulous with a new updated fabric?
Complete rebuild with COM - See how a retro piece looks fabulous with a new updated fabric?
The above piece was done in a coodinating chenille fabric. Rebuilt to last another 20 years. Good frames keep their value, making reupholstery a solid investment.
The above piece was done in a coodinating chenille fabric. Rebuilt to last another 20 years. Good frames keep their value, making reupholstery a solid investment.
The above piece was done in a coodinating chenille fabric. Rebuilt to last another 20 years. Good frames keep their value, making reupholstery a solid investment.
Floral fabric and big throw pillows make this loveseat a romantic place to be.
A classic channel back, this one was redone with tradition methods using cotton filled channels.
Quality speaks in this sofa with its solid framework and intricate design. The front cap band extends from one side of the skirt all the way around to the other side. The inside arm pillows are attached to each other and to the corresponding right and lef
This little cutie was completely rebuilt using Magnificent Faux Leather (vinyl). We eliminated the decorative nail, touched up the show wood and redesigned the channels for a sleeker, more modern look.
These 2 rockers are family heirlooms, stripped, refinished, reglued, all new springs, all new foundations and fills... and upholstered in a rich wine antiqued velvet. Rescued from a barn, they are now cherished by their family in Cape Girardeau, Missouri.
This beautiful piece is a complete rebuild, even the springs were replaced. Done with the COM (customers own material), this is a work of art that will stand up to the test of time. Button tufting and low crown cushions keep this sofa true to its original
This settee, a part of the above set, was featured in the "Save My Seat" column of the Upholstery Journal Magazine, April/May 2008 issue.
This set of antiques belong to Dr. Ted Van Acker. They are handcrafted in leather , featuring buttontufted backs, self gimp, decorative nail, and an eye catching serpentine band. Center rocker is sans band. All new springs, 8 way hand tied construction. N
This beautifully striped chair belongs to Mrs. Lou Cooper of Benton, IL
This beautiful set resides in The Egyptian Revival Day Spa and Wellness Center in Herrin, IL.
A modern updated fabric brings new life to this combo.
Repainted and upholstered for a sweet decorator from California, this chair and its sister reside in Marion, IL
These can be found at Poulsons Funeral Home in Benton, IL They are a timeless classic and will always be in style.
A beautiful set of of Parsons chairs done in COM